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Thank the lord winter is over...wait! it! - 04/15/14

We spent all winter hibernating and playing our asses off in between shoveling a crap load of snow….so glad that’s over, as I’m sure you are too. We’ve written a few new songs and worked on perfecting our current music this winter. We did no shows during this time unfortunately, but we are looking forward to getting out there this summer. Check back on our "show dates page" for up and coming events!  Hope to see you at the next show!...SO OVER WINTER DAMN IT!!!

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Recording Process Up-date! - 04/28/14

We completed drums, bass and a few guitar tracks. Between set-ups getting sounds, and then recording 13 songs it took close to 18+ hours....why so long? Honestly in between all that we stopped to have a few beers and shoved a few pizza pies down our throats. One of the benefits of home recordings, no rush! But we did work hard. It will take us sometime to finish as we need to add guitar tracks, vocal tracks and complete the final mixes. We look forward to getting it done as soon as possible so we can share our hard work with everyone and concentrate on getting ready for our summer shows.

Ghetto Dog is gearing up to start recording - 04/14/14

Ghetto Dog has been practicing like rabid dogs, preparing new material for their first CD release, with approximately 10 to 11 songs in total. Plan is to start the recording process this week 4.18.14


You can contact Ghetto Dog on facebook, click the link "become a fan" below

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